Monday, September 28, 2015

Notes on Building Confidence

  • Military strategists often say that "forewarned is forearmed." If you know what is coming, then  you can adequately prepare for the challenge.
  • Confidence is not a trait you are born with. It is a trait that anyone can develop.
  • Confidence is the feeling you have when you believe that you are capable of handling a situation successfully. This attitude is a result of ongoing preparation and practice.
  • Confidence is the internal skeletal framework of effective oral communication. Anchored to a solid value system, it gives stability to the speaker and makes her or his message believable.
Understanding Stage Fright

Stage fright, also referred to as communication apprehension that were afraid to speak.

What is fear?
  • Fear is a biological process by which animals and humans, secure the necessary energy to do a job that really matters--one that might potentially result in physical and/or psychological injury.
  • Fear activates our emergency energy system so that we can cope with danger.
  • When we are confronted with danger, our emergency energy system kicks in. This source of energy is mainly in the form of the adrenaline.
  • In every situation, we have choice of dealing with fear--or running form it. Biologists call this the fight or flight syndrome.
  • Phobia is a persistent, irrational fear.

Establishing an Accurate Expression

  • Perception refers to how you see things. To perceive means to gain an awareness and understanding of a person, an idea, or a situation.
  • An accurate perception is a tool that helps us learn more about ourselves, our objectives, and other people.
  • An inaccurate perception can cause us to blow things out of proportion, make a problem greater that it really is, and become our own worst enemies.
1.  Your Perception of the Audience
  • Studies on how well an audience perceives anxiety should comfort nervous speakers. Researchers have found that most report noticing little or no anxiety in a speaker.
2.  Your Perception of the Speech
  • You should see speaking as an opportunity to share something you consider valuable--your message--with your audience. Thus, the word speech should not be viewed as being synonymous with performance. Instead, a speech should be viewed as a chance that you've been given to say something meaningful to others.

3.  Your Perception of Yourself
  • In speaking, you should strive for excellence, but you should not always have to be perfect. Don't equate making a mistake with being a total failure.
  • To change your negative perception of yourself, recognize your own individual worth and like what you are.
  • Confidence or self-esteem is often the result of a self-discovery process.   
Examining the Planks of Confidence

Content - Have something worthwhile to say.
Organization - Have some type of outline that is easy for both you and your audience to follow.
Notes - Jot down ideas in a brief, directed (preferably outlined) form.

Friendliness - Be congenial. You can gain confidence if you express friendliness and see that your audience is giving your positive feedback.

Impression - Getting off to a good start is essential in building confidence.

Dedication - Practice, practice, and practice.

Empathy - Know how it feel that way. The term empathy means a sincere understanding of feelings thoughts, and motives of others.

Newness - Apply some originality. One of the best ways to put some originality in your speech is to tell a personal story.

Conviction - Believe in what you say.

Enthusiasm - Get fired up! However enthusiasm is directed energy.

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